I was born in 1964, four years into the Space Race. Science was everywhere in American life and a cornerstone of the public & private school. We watched in awe as Neil Armstrong stepped onto the surface of the Moon and Jacques Cousteau took us into the deep ocean each week on TV. Chemistry sets were popular items at toy stores and Mr Wizard shared the world of Science with young minds on Saturday morning.
Then something happened in the 1970s that has begun to poison America and it has been spurred on by white people.
"Back to Nature" happened. Failed Hippies decided that technology was evil and began to back away from science and began to embrace wives's tales and folk medicine. At first it was only a small number of drug-addled losers who headed off into the woods, not the real woods like you'd find in Alaska, but the safe woods of Colorado and Vermont. From those sad few has sprung forth a billion dollar industry of books, produce and dietary supplements that should be considered monuments to quackery, yet they are not and otherwise intelligent people (most White) have embraced well markets fairy tales and magic potions. Alternative medicine, alternative fuel and all kinds of blame-your-parents self-help books (DVDs and Cd's) can be commonly found in the homes of people who should know better. As I covered briefly in the last entry, the new White has backed away from religion but it seems that it has only backed away from traditional religion because in 2008 it seems that the New White of America has a pretty ridged demi-religion based on faux-science.
Alternative medicine has it's roots in 19th Century snake-oil salesmen who traveled the land selling miracle elixirs that cured everything from gout to back-pain. It was usually grain alcohol and sundry other useless additives. The swindling salesmen were usually hunted down and hung as people died from their miracle cure. Somehow snake-oil has made a comeback in the form of Alternative Medicine and the supplement industry. Once again snake-oil salesmen canvas the country, this time via paid commercial television info-mercials, making the exact same claims for health breakthroughs that "Conventional Science" has yet to achieve. They can cure baldness, impotence, aging, obesity and even cancer. How this is allowed and why these people are not all in prison defies what used to be known as logic. My all-time favorite alternative medical treatment is the Colonic. Essentially you shove a hose up your ass and pump warm water into your rectum. One bullshit Internet site says that it removes accumulated waste from the colon, prevents constipation and improves overall health. The problem is that none of that is true. Why? Because today they (real Doctors) can shove a camera up your ass and see what is up there and guess what they do not find? Accumulated waste. Your intestines and colon are very efficient at moving waste through your body, if anything gets stuck in there you'd know very fast because you get sick and then you die in a matter of days. So if you know some idiot who gets a colonic on a regular basis it's not doing him any good and he/she may just like having stuff pumped into his/her asshole. Then there is the whole "Environmental Sensitivity" bullshit issue where people are "Allergic" to modern chemicals and have to live in special homes and apartments. These people need mental help, not an immunologist and worse, some of these places are built with taxpayer money. Why this concept isn't given it's proper due, which is to be laughed off of the planet, is beyond me as well. It's Hypochondria plain and simple. Yet main-stream media treats the subject with great sensitivity yet on the very same broadcast the anchor people (usually white) will read a story about the Virgin Mary appearing in a tree while rolling their eyes. Would they roll their eyes if the Virgin Mary spoke and said that they need to live in chemical-free housing and get enemas every Thursday? Might as well, if you're gonna be stupid then be completely stupid.
Not all of those anti-technology idiots fled into the woods, one became a US Senator and eventually became Vice President of the United States. He even co-won the Nobel Prize for his activism in raising consciousness about global warming, the bench mark of the New White's overall stupidity. Al Gore is a religious fanatic and he has twisted his apocalyptic vision into a very profitable business using the emerging science of climatology (which really began in WWII) to weave a twisted tale of woe where - stop me if you've heard this before - man, in his arrogance has made the Earth foul with evil (technology) and hence God, I mean the Earth has begun to cause the seas to rise and soon mankind will be erased by a great flood and a host of other biblical plagues. Well, he's left the Bible out of it but it's pretty much the flood story of the boom of Genesis and the Egypt part of Exodus thrown in for affect. If you've ever read the Unabomber Manifesto and then Gore's "Earth in the Balance" you cannot tell the two appart because both are written by mad men. Gore just looks better on TV but he's a nutcase. Climate change is very real but the facts are obscured by bullshit as big industry scrambles to cash in on the emerging "Green" technology market. Who's the biggest producer of windmill generators? Shell Oil. Yet people are passing laws giving tax payer monies to windmill generator companies because it's "Green". So in the 2008 we elect a President who will stop giving tax breaks to oil companies but then well just give them taxpayer money because they build windmills. That is logic only the New White can fathom.
Then you throw in the whole self-help industry. While the New White poo-poo Scientology they shell out big bucks for books and seminars that all pretty much tell them the same thing that Scientology would tell them: Your problems are somebody else's fault.
Usually your parents. Heaven forbid that you accept responsability for your own actions, that just won't do because that would mean that you've been in full control all along and you might just be an asshole. No, Mom & Dad fucked me up and my getting VD at 15 and losing my job at 34 because I came to work drunk was THEIR FAULT. At least Scientology hangs the blame on aliens which is slightly more ehtical because there's not the ugliness and akward Thanksgivings that you get with the self-help gurus. I had issues with my father and step father. I had good counceling from a certified psychological expert and I was able to move on with my life. That's how it is supposed to be, I was hurt, I was healed and I'm okay. The professional victim has been discussed at large in the media and rightly so and I don't want to re-hash it here. My issue is that just because your parents sucked is no excuse for whatever stupid actions you take. Unless your parents by you booze/drugs/hookers and then force you to use them then the fault lies with you.
The AA knows this. Their 12-Step program is still the single most effective way to beat addiction and change behavior but it cannot be adapted by Schools, Colleges or the Government. Why? Because the 11th & 12th steps involve praying or meditating to make a contact with God. Uh oh! The arguement against seems logical, that you are simply surrendering one crutch (booze) for a new one(God) yet there is no other treatment (drug) free that can tout the same success that AA can. I'm not pro-religion, I'm just pointing out what works best and that while the New White has turned it's back on solid science to embrace a religion of the oppressed and abused that has it's own dogma of special (re: suppressed) science, the New White thumbs its collective nose at any mention of God.
Much like a bunch of pathetic vampires.
It it hard to believe that we put men on the Moon and have mapped the human genome.
Monday, November 24, 2008
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